MSFS FlightSim /

Flight Simulator 2020

Software is a flight school

 By: José PEDRO Magalhães Ramos 
 On: 8/1/2020 

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The brand new Microsoft Flight Simulator, which will be relaunched in August, is a true flight school, with very well structured lessons for all the basic learning of flying.

The Flight Simulator Franchise is back after 14 years of Microsoft withdrawing from this market. It goes without saying that the community of "simulators", including this one that writes to you, is in an uproar for the return of the simulator !!

Welcome MSFS 2020 !!!
José PEDRO Magalhães Ramos
He is a professional with almost four decades of experience in aviation. Having worked at Rio Sul and TAM in the 1980s and in the 1990's, joined Vasp where he spent 10 years in the Engineering area. He then created and operated the website for 4 years, now extinct and in 2004 he joined Gol, having stayed until 2017 and passed in various technical and business areas. Currently as a technical consultant still-and always-in the aviation area, he dedicates his private time to create and operate this our portal!

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