Ipanema      Embraer      Renato Spilimbergo Carvalho, GFDL 1.2, via Wikimedia Commons      
Agricultural Aviation / Brazil

Agricultural aviation

Embraer's Ipanema has 48% increase in sales in Brazil in 2021

 By: Gabriela Ramos 
 On: 5/12/2021 

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At the end of April, Embraer had sold 37 Ipanema planes, an aircraft from its agricultural division (EMBR3). This number represents an increase of 48% compared to the year 2020, when the company sold a total of 25 aircraft of this model, thus following the growth trend of agribusiness. Approximately 90% of the planes ordered are expected to be delivered in the second half of 2021.

Ipanema is the leader in the segment in Brazil, representing 60% of the national market share, with approximately 1,500 units manufactured.

The new version of the aircraft, powered by renewable energy, received technological innovations, which gave it prominence in precision agriculture. One of the great attractions of its performance is the high productivity combined with the low cost of operation.
Gabriela Ramos
Gabriela is the latest addition to the editorial team of our website, having provided us with her solid background in editing, publishing and photography, and her interest and training in aviation history and historiography. His good taste and common sense and great cleverness and sagacity in the selection of themes and materials greatly enriched our vocabulary and narrative style. Gabriela brought unusual predicates and came to stay, helping to point the way of success of our portal.

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