DF-21      Max Smith, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons      
Military Aviation / China

"Aircraft Carrier Killer"

China retests its scary DF-26 missile

 By: Gabriela Ramos 
 On: 6/30/2021 

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IceUnshattered, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The DF-26 ballistic missiles, nicknamed “aircraft carrier killers”, were tested by the Rocket Force of the People's Liberation Army of China. The DF-26 has a range of 4,000 kilometers and can act against land and naval targets, and can also be used in nuclear attacks.

According to the South China Morning Post, the missile tests were aimed at improving its attack performance, as well as the rapid transfer of missiles between different locations. The date the training took place was not disclosed, but the test is believed to have been recent, overnight, and with the participation of a drone.

The test also included simulations of real attack with missile launches. In addition, the brigade's ability to respond quickly was also tested. The brigade had to transfer the missiles from one location to another and carry out the preparation of the projectiles.

Check out screenshots from the test at the link below.
Gabriela Ramos
Gabriela is the latest addition to the editorial team of our website, having provided us with her solid background in editing, publishing and photography, and her interest and training in aviation history and historiography. His good taste and common sense and great cleverness and sagacity in the selection of themes and materials greatly enriched our vocabulary and narrative style. Gabriela brought unusual predicates and came to stay, helping to point the way of success of our portal.

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