Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey      FOX 52, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons      
Military Aviation / USA

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Bell Announces New HSVTOL Designs for Military Use

 By: Gabriela Ramos 
 On: 8/5/2021 

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Bell Textron Inc., an American helicopter manufacturer that has invested in the creation of vertical lift aircraft, announced new design concepts for aircraft systems intended for military use with High Speed Vertical Takeoff and Landing (HSVTOL) technology.

HSVTOL technology combines the speed, range and survivability of a fighter aircraft with the ability of a helicopter to hover.

Jason Hurst, the company's vice president of innovation, says, “Bell's HSVTOL technology is a sea change in helicopter capabilities. Our investments in technology have reduced risk and prepared us for the rapid development of HSVTOL in a digital engineering environment, leveraging experience from a robust past of technology exploration and close partnerships with the Department of Defense and Research Laboratories.”

Bell's HVSTOL design concept includes hover capability, cruising speeds in excess of 400 knots (740 kilometers per hour) and track independence. In addition, the gross weight of the aircraft can range from 4,000 pounds (approximately 1,800 kg) to over 100,000 pounds (approximately 45,300 kg).

HVSTOL technology will be critical to future mission needs by offering a variety of aircraft systems with runway independence, survivability, mission flexibility and enhanced performance. With advances in digital flight control and the emergence of new propulsion technologies, Bell will be poised to develop HSVTOL technology for military missions to serve the next generation of combatants.

For more than 85 years, Bell has been exploring high-speed vertical lift aircraft technology. The company pioneered VTOL configurations such as the X-14, X-22, XV-3 and XV-15 for NASA, the US Army and the USAF. From this baggage, the Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey was developed, a platform that changed the way the US military conducts amphibious attacks, long-range infiltration and refueling with a cruise speed and range twice that of the US military. helicopters that have been replaced.
Gabriela Ramos
Gabriela is the latest addition to the editorial team of our website, having provided us with her solid background in editing, publishing and photography, and her interest and training in aviation history and historiography. His good taste and common sense and great cleverness and sagacity in the selection of themes and materials greatly enriched our vocabulary and narrative style. Gabriela brought unusual predicates and came to stay, helping to point the way of success of our portal.

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