Afghans in a crowded C-17
Reprodução/Instagram @guardian_us
Since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, the world has seen images of utter anguish from Afghans trying desperately to leave the country through the airport in Kabul.
One of these images, published by the Defense One portal, shows the interior of a US military aircraft, the C-17 Globemaster III, occupied by about 640 people, the largest number ever carried by this model of aircraft. Among the refugees were women and children.
Official US government sources told British newspaper The Guardian that the refugees were safely transported to Qatar on Sunday.
The aircraft could not carry such a large number of people, but amidst the chaos experienced at Kabul airport in recent days, several panicked people ended up boarding the plane to try to leave the country.
Kabul was the last of the big cities not yet dominated by the Taliban. However, on Sunday, after the withdrawal of the last US military and the abandonment of President Ashraf Ghani, the extremist group dominated the capital and declared the end of the war, which lasted two decades. Since then, scenes of panic have been experienced at the capital's airport, where thousands of Afghans are trying to leave the country.
Gabriela Ramos
Gabriela is the latest addition to the editorial team of our website, having provided us with her solid background in editing, publishing and photography, and her interest and training in aviation history and historiography. His good taste and common sense and great cleverness and sagacity in the selection of themes and materials greatly enriched our vocabulary and narrative style. Gabriela brought unusual predicates and came to stay, helping to point the way of success of our portal.