Boeing 737 MAX family      Image: Boeing      
Commercial Aviation / Middle East


Boeing forecasts huge increase in demand for planes from the Middle East, with total values ""of up to 1.44 trillion dollars

 By: Rafael Ramos 
 On: 10/22/2021 

Top Articles

In yet another forecast yesterday (October 20), in the 2021 Commercial Market Outlook, Boeing showed that demand for aircraft in the Middle East is expected to be 3000 new aircraft over the next 20 years, with a value of 700 billion dollars.

The forecast takes into account the entire post-covid and subsequent demand increase that should take place in the coming years. In this way, the companies' fleet should be increased to 3530 jets, with 1570 deliveries of new aircraft.

The costs of after-sales services, such as maintenance and repair, are expected to be worth $740 billion, so the total value is expected to reach more than $1.4 trillion in the period. Forecasts include fleet renewals.

Two-thirds of aircraft deliveries to the region will be to accommodate the increased increased demand, while the remaining third will be for renovations.

The North American giant has already provided market expectations for the next 20 years from elsewhere around the world.

The demand for professionals in the area should accompany this growth, with 223 thousand new employees, including 54 thousand pilots, 51 thousand technicians and 91 thousand crew members.
Rafael Ramos
Aviation enthusiast from an early age, he had his first contacts with the area developing that good old habit of spending dozens of hours in front of the screens of Micrsoft Flight Simulator and other simulators. With a solid background in various technological areas, including engineering and chemistry, Rafael has rejoined aviation as editor and author of articles and materials on our portal, providing invaluable help to the dynamics and expansion of the website and the aeronautical community, bringing us the news and updates so indispensable for us to remain current in our area of operation.

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