F15 EX      Image: Boeing      
Military Technology / USA

Nuclear reactor

USAF to test nuclear reactor at Alaska base

 By: Rafael Ramos 
 On: 10/22/2021 

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F15 EX
Image: Boeing

The USAF plans to test its first nuclear microreactor at Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska. The microreactor must generate clean and reliable energy for the installation

The program is part of the Pentagon's effort to ensure sufficient power is provided to its bases.

The microreactor, which will be operated and licensed by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, is expected to provide between 1 and 5 MW of power and will serve as a supplement to the current power supply. However, a reactor technology has not yet been selected for the program.

“Energy is a critical asset to ensuring mission continuity at our facilities,” said Air Force Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment, Security and Infrastructure Mark Correll.

The microreactor is different from the large-scale Fukushima models in that it is very small and minimizes the generation of heat decay after shutdown, in order to avoid levels that could damage the core, such as the fault that happened in Fukushima.

"Microreactors are a promising technology for ensuring energy resilience and reliability, and are particularly well suited to powering and heating remote domestic military bases like Eielson Air Force Base."

The microreactor must start operations before 2027. Watch the video about the program on youtube on the external link below.
Rafael Ramos
Aviation enthusiast from an early age, he had his first contacts with the area developing that good old habit of spending dozens of hours in front of the screens of Micrsoft Flight Simulator and other simulators. With a solid background in various technological areas, including engineering and chemistry, Rafael has rejoined aviation as editor and author of articles and materials on our portal, providing invaluable help to the dynamics and expansion of the website and the aeronautical community, bringing us the news and updates so indispensable for us to remain current in our area of operation.

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