Rysachok at MAKS-2011 airshow      Nockson, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons      
General Aviation / Russia

project abandonment

Russia cancels Rysachok development program

 By: Gabriela Ramos 
 On: 11/3/2021 

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Rysachok at MAKS-2011 airshow
Sergey Vladimirov (a.k.a. Vlsergey), CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The manufacturer of Rysachok, a light aircraft developed to serve regional routes in Russia, has decided to cancel the plane's development program. Russian manufacturer Technoavia was responsible for creating the aircraft and the Progress Rocket Space Center was in charge of manufacturing the prototypes.

The project had been stagnant since 2016 and since then there have been numerous attempts to resume it.

Dmitry Baranov, director of the Progress Rocket Space Centre, said that after some deliberations, it was decided to close the program. “We consult the designers and conduct our own analyses. It was clear that we do not have the facilities to house this type of machinery,” he told Russian news agency RBK.

The Progress Rocket Space Centre, which is based in the city of Samara, is also responsible for the production of the Soyuz rockets, used by the Russian space agency Roskosmos in most of its human spaceflights.

Baranov says that before the company's priority turned to the space sector, Progress also manufactured civil and military aircraft.

The Rysachok program was aimed at developing a light twin-engine turboprop aircraft capable of carrying up to ten passengers. Its development began in 2007 and the maiden flight of the first prototype took place in 2010.

According to RBK, in 2015 Russian President Vladimir Putin personally commissioned the production of the aircraft, saying: “we have to manufacture that plane”.

Progress had plans to build at least 350 aircraft and develop additional elongated variants later, but only three Rysachok prototypes were built.
Gabriela Ramos
Gabriela is the latest addition to the editorial team of our website, having provided us with her solid background in editing, publishing and photography, and her interest and training in aviation history and historiography. His good taste and common sense and great cleverness and sagacity in the selection of themes and materials greatly enriched our vocabulary and narrative style. Gabriela brought unusual predicates and came to stay, helping to point the way of success of our portal.

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