Boeing 777X-9      Image: Boeing      
aeronautics Technology / USA

sustainability research

Boeing to study fuels and other efficient solutions in Japan

 By: Rafael Ramos 
 On: 8/2/2022 

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Boeing 737 MAX
Image: Boeing

Boeing, in yet another move favoring sustainability, announced yesterday (1) its plans to open a new Boeing Research and Technology Center (BR
Rafael Ramos
Aviation enthusiast from an early age, he had his first contacts with the area developing that good old habit of spending dozens of hours in front of the screens of Micrsoft Flight Simulator and other simulators. With a solid background in various technological areas, including engineering and chemistry, Rafael has rejoined aviation as editor and author of articles and materials on our portal, providing invaluable help to the dynamics and expansion of the website and the aeronautical community, bringing us the news and updates so indispensable for us to remain current in our area of operation.

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