A-29 Super Tucano Image: Embraer
/ Europe
A-29 in NATO?
Portuguese Air Force seeks planes of the same category as the Super Tucano
By: Rafael Ramos
On: 3/23/2023
A29 Super Tucano Image: Embraer
aircraft of the A-29 Super Tucano category are being sought by the Portuguese Air Force, which is a NATO member country.
On March 16, Portugal's council of ministers approved a budget for the purchase of war material until 2034. In addition, the country wants the acquisition of close support aircraft.
This category includes planes that can perform ground attack missions on targets close to friendly forces. The aircraft is used as support for ground troops. In this category is, notably, the A-29 Super Tucano, from Embraer.
The purpose of the Military Programming Law Proposal (LPM) is to invest in war material between 2023 and 2034. In total, the amount invested will be around 6 billion Euros.
With Embraer's strong presence in Portugal, including its maintenance center in the country, and with the acquisition of the KC-390 by Portugal, the A-29 should be preferred.
The country is also in need of advanced training aircraft, as it has had none since 2018, when it retired the Dassult-Dornier AlphaJet in 2018.
Although the Brazilian military aircraft is very popular worldwide, with 15 countries operating it, the Portuguese Air Force could be the first operator of the Super Tucano in Europe.
Rafael Ramos
Aviation enthusiast from an early age, he had his first contacts with the area developing that good old habit of spending dozens of hours in front of the screens of Micrsoft Flight Simulator and other simulators. With a solid background in various technological areas, including engineering and chemistry, Rafael has rejoined aviation as editor and author of articles and materials on our portal, providing invaluable help to the dynamics and expansion of the website and the aeronautical community, bringing us the news and updates so indispensable for us to remain current in our area of operation.